Work is very important as it not only helps you pay the bills but it can also add a lot of meaning and value to your life. However, you should try and not let your professional life get in the way of your personal life and in order to make sure this does not happen, you need to find a balance between the two.

Ways to find the balance

If you enjoy your work this is a good sign to keep doing it. However, a stressful personal life can interfere with the level of job satisfaction you have. For instance, if you need to attend a meeting and attend your child’s school play on the same day, this could be stressful. The added stress could make you want to rush the meeting and can even make you unprepared.

However, if you were to choose a site office or portable office this would help ease your stress levels. With the advance in technology, it is not a must to be physically present at the office to be able to attend a meeting. You can join the meeting via zoom or skype from the comfort of your own movable office and still be able to attend your child’s school play. Finding ways such as these can aid in allowing you to keep a good level of job satisfaction and also have a healthy personal life.


An important factor to consider when striving for a good work- life balance is time. Working long hours at the office, whether it is a portable office or not can cause a lot of strain on your personal relationships. There may be certain days where you have no choice but to put in the long hours, but you should try and not make a habit out of this. Working overtime every day means you will likely not have the energy to do anything after work. Therefore, this means missing out on time with family and friends.

Clocking out from work at a decent time allows you to finish work for the day and still have time to spare, allowing you to enjoy time with your loved ones. Working all the time can also add stress to your life. You may think working a lot helps you finish the work faster but it also cuts out time for you to think and come up with new creative ideas. If you are constantly working, you do not have time to think about your next step which could interfere with your work in the long run.

Time to yourself

It is important to find a balance between your personal and professional life not only because it enables you to then commit your time to both your work and family but it is also important that you get time to yourself. Finishing work at a decent time and not working on the weekends allows you the time to do things for yourself such as working out or getting your nails done. Watching a movie with friends over the weekend cannot happen if you are busy working the entire weekend. Having a social life is also important therefore you should try and find a good balance which works for you.